Thursday, May 24, 2012

Back in Green!

So it seems I've taken a bit of a hiatus from writing recently, but I'll be back in full force! I just started a summer course at MassArt called "Sustainable Fashion."  The course will dive into sustainable textiles, ethical and social responsibility, innovations in textile design and production, and other creative solutions that promote sustainability in the fashion industry. It will be a great chance for me to get a really in-depth look at sustainable fashion, and to work on some fun projects along the way.

Part of the course requirements are to record my thoughts and reflections on the readings and projects in the form of a journal/portfolio. I've chosen to record my thoughts through this blog!  So over the next few weeks you'll see a lot of posts related to the course. I hope that you will find them interesting and insightful.

However before I get into course related posts, here are a few bits and pieces that I've been meaning to share for a while...

    • I recently discovered a new website called Fashion Change: It's just starting out, but their idea is to show you an eco-alternatives to popular fashions. They have this great concept called "wear this not that," which compares an eco-fashion item to am item from a popular brand. I also like this company because they explore all aspects of eco fashion from sustainable textiles, to fair trade, to up-cycling, recycling and zero waste. 
Great example of "wear this not that" from Fashion Change
Proxy Apparel

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